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We would like to remind parents of students entering
First through Tenth Grade in September, of the Following:


1.   Please continue to attend Mass on a regular basis. 

2.   According to the Diocese of Buffalo, students celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation in Grade 2, the Sacrament of First Eucharist (First Communion) in Grade 3. 

 At Holy Spirit/St. Margaret, we celebrate The Sacrament of
Confirmation in Grade 10. 2 years of high school religious
education classes are required for Confirmation. Students
who are older may wish to contact the rectory for special
consideration and separate instruction.

3. Students who attend Catholic school are to be prepared for these sacraments in the parish, not the school. They are
asked to attend the Sunday religious education classes,
with their public school counterparts, for specific
sacramental preparation classes.

Please check the bulletin during the summer for further information, and for registration notices





If you - or someone you know - is seeking to become a member of

our Church please contact Sr. Katherine Marie Bogner at 875-8102

      This process is designed to WELCOME adults who are :

 1) interested in becoming a Catholic; or

 2) are Baptized Catholics wishing to complete their initiation process by receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist. 


Classes are held on Sunday in the Parish Hall and led by volunteers who are eager and very willing to guide those wishing to receive their unfinished Sacraments or who want to join the Catholic Faith.

All are Welcome.   


   We have today another quote from Pope Francis for

the Year of Mercy:

“However dark things are, goodness always re-emerges and spreads.

Each day in our world beauty is born anew; it rises

transformed through the storms of history.

Values always tend to reappear under new guises and human beings

have arisen time after time from situations that seemed doomed.

Such is the power of the Resurrection, and all who evangelize

are instruments of that power.”

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